Our Portfolio

As early-stage investors, we look for driven partners who are rooted in deep science, collaborative, and think worldwide.

What peaks our Interest

A healthier world means a better future for all, and that’s why we’re not afraid to take big risks and back entrepreneurs who think globally and make it happen. We’re not just about investing money. We’re about serving as a partner with a shared mission and goal – to make the world a healthier place, one body at a time.

Children’s Health and Nutrition

We believe that when you teach kids good habits early, the lifelong impact is clear. That’s why we partner with companies that are focused on children’s health, growth, and nutrition.

The Beecher’s Foundation’s Pure Food Kids Workshop creates lasting change by shifting demand towards better food choices for kids and their families.

Bravecare is modernizing urgent and primary care for kids.

Next-Generation Baby Nutrition. ByHeart is transforming baby nutrition with products and resources grounded in breakthrough nutrition science and breast milk research.

The largest fast food restaurant chain in the United States is our public school system. Eat REAL is a on a mission to fix this by Helping Kids Learn to Love REAL Food.

Food insecurity is a major issue in the world, particularly among children. We’ve partnered with No Kid Hungry to help end child hunger in America.

Freshly made, organic and tailored to each baby’s developmental milestones, Yumi delivers premium baby food to customers’ doors every week.

Digital Health and Biosensor

We believe digital health is vital to the advancement of humankind and the better understanding of our bodies and minds. We’re partnering with entrepreneurs who are making that happen.

Advancing women’s reproductive health by bringing together by artificial intelligence and clinical research.

Grey Life

Gray is revolutionizing mental health. They use effective skills based intervention delivered by a highly personalized platform, which uses machine learning to identify when to bring in expert wellness coaches to keep people on track.

Personalized Nutrition and Microbiome

No two bodies are exactly the same. That’s why we look to invest in personalized nutrition so everybody has the tools they need to be healthier.

We are proud to fund the Diet intervention for Modulation of Maternal and Infant Microbiome led by Professor Gardner and Sonnenberg at Stanford University.

Together, we can move mountains.

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